New Revelations Released About Saudi Oil Strike

Smoke rises from a Saudi Aramco plant in Abqaiq, after a foreign attack targeted the facility. (Credit: Hamad I Mohammed, Reuters)

Smoke rises from a Saudi Aramco plant in Abqaiq, after a foreign attack targeted the facility. (Credit: Hamad I Mohammed, Reuters)


Additional details emerged today regarding an attack on two key Saudi oil installations last weekend. Those attacks caused a dramatic cut in Saudi oil output, with a claim of responsibility coming from Iran-aligned Houthi rebels in Yemen. However, the sophistication of technology used in the attacks and expert analysis of the targeted sites suggest a different story.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted on Saturday that "there is no evidence the attacks came from Yemen." A press statement from a spokesperson for the Saudi-led Arab Coalition stated that Iranian missiles and drones were used in the attack. Additionally, Fox News Pentagon correspondent Lucas Tomlinson quoted his sources in stating that the attack actually originated from Iranian soil.

If the strike against the Gulf Kingdom's did originate from inside Iran, this would be a major escalation, and would bring the region much closer to open war. Israel's ongoing air campaign against the network of Iranian weapons depots across Syria and Iraq would undoubtedly draw the Jewish State into such a conflict as a de facto ally (if not a formal ally) of the Arab Coalition. We will continue to monitor this story, its implications for Israel, and for the region. We would encourage our global partners to pray for the truth to come to light and for world leaders to act wisely and decisively.

Shalom from Israel.

Sources: CreditCreditHamad I Mohammed/Reuters…/threat-assessment-high-attac……/Saudi-led-coalitionInitial-findings…

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