Honduras Recognizes Jerusalem as Capital of Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Honduras President Juan Orlando Hernandez in Jerusalem, on October 29, 2015. (Credit: Kobi Gideon, GPO, Flash90)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Honduras President Juan Orlando Hernandez in Jerusalem, on October 29, 2015. (Credit: Kobi Gideon, GPO, Flash90)


As Hezbollah and Hamas play rounds of brinkmanship with the State of Israel, an important diplomatic victory was publicized this week. The Central American nation of Honduras and the Pacific island of Nauru will become the third and fourth nations globally to recognize Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Jewish people.

Honduras is the second Latin American nation to announce their embassy move after Guatemala last year, a trend that reveals a growing affinity for the Jewish State in the Global South (South America, Africa and Asia), where evangelical Christianity has been surging over the course of the last half-century. IAI had the distinct honor of joining the Latin American Conference for Israel in Jerusalem this year, where dozens of Israeli Jewish and Christian leaders met with Latin American pastors and Guatemalan first lady Patricia Marroquín to pray for Israel and look forward to the future.

We are blessed and encouraged to see that, as Antisemitism resurfaces in Europe, the Middle East and the US, God is raising up "sheep nations" who's political and ecclesiastical leaders are bold enough to stand with the Jewish people in prayer, trade, diplomacy and defense.


